How Long Does an Artificial Dis Replacement Last?
If you are facing chronic spinal disc pain, you need to get spinal fusion surgery done or go for artificial disc replacement. However, a common question every patient has in their mind is how long will the artificial disc replacement procedure last. The short answer is more than 70 years or a decade. But, there is always a medical theory behind every procedure. Read further to know more about the artificial disc replacement and the time it will last for. What You Need to Understand about Artificial Disc Replacement? Whenever we are moving the disc in between the bones of your spine region will help you with absorption impact, cushioning, and keeping your bones from rubbing together. The general wear and tear or aging can lead your disc to degenerate over time. The disc shrinks and loses its buffering ability, or it can shift out of place, which leads to nerve pain or inflammation. One method is to replace your natural damaged disc with an artificial disc. It will help you carry the loa...